Where Do I Apply?
Applications are available October 1 thru May 1 and may be downloaded below or obtained from our office at 145 South Jackson Street, Jackson, MI. You may mail your application or drop it off at the Student Loan Office. A drop slot is available on the right side of the office door.
When is the application deadline?
Applications are due in the John George, Jr. Student Loan office no later than May 1st.
Applications received after May 1st will be considered on a funds-available basis. |
UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION available for download here October 1 thru May 1
APPLICATION FOR ALL OTHERS available for download here October 1 thru May 1.
Additional Important Information
Applications should be made as soon as possible. The application process, receipt of reference letters, interviews, bank processing, and loan disbursement can take two (2) months or longer. Applications made on or near the ending due date will be processed in the order received and will be subject to loan approval, and proceeds may not be available until after school begins. |